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Client Testimonial – Carmen Jimenez-Pride, LCSW, RPTS | Platform Builder Program

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Video Transcript |

Hello. I am Carmen Jimenez-Pride. I’m a licensed clinical social worker, a registered play therapist, an author, and a coach. For the last year, I’ve worked with Sharvette Mitchell within her Platform Builders Program. And if I had to sum up that program with one phrase, I would say life-changing. Granted, it’s for business owners, entrepreneurs, but it was just such a life-changing experience for me. I built my private practice with the name Outspoken Counseling/Consulting, and that’s what everybody knew.

And no one really knew who I was and throughout Sharvette’s program, I was able to step from behind the scenes, behind that practice, to really step on my platform and highlight the skills that I have as an author, as a coach, as a trainer. So just the little things. I’m saying little things, but they’re really big things that she has taught over these past months, has been just amazing. Taking my ideas and transforming them into digital products, the importance of media, the importance of branding and being consistent with that.

And the photoshoot was amazing, amazing. And just going back and looking at those photos really highlight who I am both on the speaking side, it highlights me as a play therapist, it highlights me as a consultant and a clinician. She just has an eye for that, and there was a lot of things that I’ve learned but I just didn’t realize was important. As an author, there are just so many things, but as an author, learning that I just don’t have to have a book, but I can take my book to a different level with adding digital products to it and learning the steps to do that.

Learning how important it is to cultivate my email list and stay connected with people. So it’s just been an amazing year working with Sharvette. I can’t say anything bad about the process, only good things. I highly recommend the program and I don’t recommend much honestly, but I do recommend any program that she’s offering. To be connected with her has been amazing. I can go on and on, but if you’re on the fence about this program, the proof is across social media. Just check out the people that she’s worked with and look at how they changed and you’ll see it. Thank you. Thank you for listening.


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