info@mitchell-productions.comPhone: (804) 806-4407 ext 101
2807 N. Parham Road Suite 200-20 Richmond, VA 23294

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“The Platform Builder program has increased our visibility as well as clientele.” Lina Lassiter of Forever Healed.

Client testimonial

Lina Lassiter of Forever Healed

Platform Builder Program

Learn more about The Platform Builder Program™ – CLICK HERE

Text version:

“I had to share this with you as a testimony to what God is doing as a Platform Builder Client. Our proposal was approved. This is a $15k contract.

The Platform Builder program has increased our visibility as well as clientele.

This year alone, I had a minimum of 2 speaking engagements per month. I have spoken on several expert panels, and have build connections and relationships with exceptional entrepreneurs and fellow Platform Builders. Glory to God.

Prior to the program, I lacked the confidence in using social media for visibility. I didn’t understand the importance of branding and marketing. We have gone from making cold calls and connections to being sought out by organizations and individual clients. I have to shout out my fellow Platform family for several referrals.

Was the program worth it? Absolutely. No visibility to regular live sessions, an updated website, several contracts, and an increase in our territory through community partnerships and collaborations. Oh! Did I mention, the opportunity to coauthor a book with several amazing business leaders and entrepreneurs.

I have learned that you must invest in your business and understand your worth. We have increased our prices without hassle from our clients.”


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